Kinerja Pra-Produksi, Proses Produksi, dan Pasca Produksi Tentang Radio Dalam Manajemen Siaran Dakwah



Da'wah is an activity to invite people commendable activities and also keep away from those that are reprehensible. can be carried out in various ways, either orally or writing. along with the development of times da'wah utilizes existing media such as radio. Radio one communication relevant for carrying activities. In addition, radio auditive medium through ear hearing, a means communication, course, it provides benefits community, especially preachers carry their preaching management community. Broadcasting Islamic religion via certainly has its own advantages, this because audio nature so listeners directly listen material conveyed by preacher. To get good results, planned process needed starting production preparation completion event.
 Keywords: Performance, production, broadcasts

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عنوان ژورنال: Da'watuna

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2798-6683', '2798-690X']